REA TAPE Kinesiology Taping Power To Be Your Best!
REA Tape Kinesiology Taping is a professional engineered, dynamic therapeutic kinesiology support for all body areas. REA Tape gives support for injured structures without compromising a healthy range of motion.
REA Tape provides neurosensory feedback so that you do not feel pain or discomfort as much or at all, which then helps to activate the neuromuscular response and activation of muscles providing Therapeutic Treatment 24/7.
For years REA TAPE relives people from pain thanks to Dr. Kenzo's original invention - kinesiology taping. Since 1982 kinesiology taping had become widely adopted in sports and therapy and nowadays it's an important tool in every physiotherapist's hands.
All REA Tapes are Class I Medical Devices tested and inspected in accordance to our full quality control testing procedures (raw materials inspection, in process inspection and end product inspection) in respect with MDD 93/42 EEC. The production of REA TAPE product is made in accordance to EN 13485: 2012 and MDD 93/42 EEC amended by 2007/47/EC.
See Our Videos To Learn How To Apply Kinesiology Tape HERE.